Monday, February 11, 2008

The day we had Video and Voice Chatting Marathon.

Yes and it is the 3rd day of CNY. We had several video and voice chatting sessions with different groups of friends back in Singapore. In the morning (Qatar time), we called up CK house and talked to Jocelyn, Jackie, Eng Wee, Joshua, Amos, Joel, Aaron gang. Then, after lunch, it is the usual gang of friends - Charles, Lili, Wilson, Kirk, Tim etc. Had a good time chatting with them but too bad.. no webcam at Charles' place (how can hor?). They can only see our "Missing them" faces and of course, our house. After the evening, we video chat with my in laws - Johnny and family. Had a good time esp my wife talking to her sister. For my family, I did call them up individually, but have yet to see my nephew and nieces leh.

As Qatar is behind Singapore for 5 hours, it is best to chat with us on Sunday evenings and Saturdays evenings (Singapore time). So, keep those time slots for us ok? And, pls buy a webcam so that we can still remember your faces after 1 yr. ha. For other time slots, just sms or msn me to arrange.

Here is a video chat screenshot we did on 4th day of CNY with alpha and jasmine. Just to see her big tummy!

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