Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Kitty update

I have been checking out on pussy and her kitten everyday.
But on Sunday, I discovered that the kitten were gone ! I don't know where they are now and what had happened to them.

Could it be Pussy hide them somewhere? someone taken them ? Killed by some cats ? or eaten up by the mother herself ? It will remain as a mystery.

Pussy looked listless that day, kept looking into the empty bush and hanging around the area.. Perhaps, she discovered that her babies were gone after a visit to the loo.. poor girl.
After carrying them for 2 mths, and they just disappeared.

Actually, I was very sad too..was really looking forward to see and touch the kitten.
Andrew said I was being too emotionally involved with the cat. I think I am.

1 comment:

Jasmine said...

Hi...did u managed to find the kitties?